The background, dogs and food creations were created in Adobe Illustrator and then loaded as PNGs into the code.

First I thought of what the background should look like. I wanted it to represent an 8-bit cityscape.

Gamerobot would be used to display the text for all title screens.

The title and START would appear.

CHOOSE YOUR DOG would appear next. Each click would change dog to other options.

Followed by HOW TO PLAY to explain the controls of your pup.

Page 2 of HOW TO PLAY to explain what the goal of the pup is before caught.

Then I started thinking of what the characters would be catching.

HAM was created in code.

RED was created in code.

Pie was created in code.

PUP was created in code.

OTIS was created in code.

KING was created in code.

PUP was incorporated with wanting a hot dog and that would be the dog's goal in the game.

Starting to work with the mechanics of the code to make the "character" move for later.

First initial idea on the MENU. The MENU would display the foods the dogs need to catch on the lefthand side while the amount of points they are worth would be on the right side..

Next I put together a test screen for falling objects. The objects would fall while the food would move through to reach the FINISH. If hit by falling object, the food item would restart at START.